Affordable Housing Programs & Eligibility

Maloney Real Estate specializes in providing affordable housing sales and rental opportunities. Income guidelines vary by program and development. You will find income and price limits listed on all of Maloney’s current affordable housing opportunities.

Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA)

As part of a wide range of urban planning and development, the BPDA creates sustainable affordable housing opportunities for Boston residents, primarily for middle-income households, including renters with incomes up to 70% of area median income (AMI) and homebuyers with incomes up to 100% AMI. Learn more at

Boston Department of Neighborhood Development (DND)

The DND develops and helps residents find and maintain stable, safe, and affordable housing. Additionally, they offer an array of services to assist first-time homebuyers, tenants in housing crisis, owners in foreclosure, those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and those living with HIV/AIDS. Learn more at

Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)

DHCD and its partners provide affordable housing and financial assistance to low and moderate income residents.
Programs include: public housing, rental assistance, homelessness prevention resources, housing resources for victims of domestic violence, and homeownership opportunities. Learn more at


MassHousing provides resources and services to homebuyers and renters seeking affordable housing in Massachusetts. Find information on financing, down payment assistance, educational resources, and affordable housing opportunities at

Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP)

MHP works with developers and communities to provide financing for affordable housing with better terms and/or greater flexibility than available elsewhere. Learn about ONE Mortgage for first-time homebuyers and more at


Maloney has current affordable housing opportunities for homebuyers and renters.

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